Die Heilsarmee wurde bald zu einem Thema, welches in Liedern, Filmen, Musicals und Theaterstücken vorkam.
Zudem produzierte die Heilsarmee immer wieder auch selber sehr erfolgreiche Musicals.

The Salvation Army Musicals
In the 1960s, the Salvation Army began successfully to produce musicals itself. This would hardly have been possible without two musically talented officers. The musicals mostly have a spiritual message content.
"Major Barbara"
"Major Barbara" is a play written in 1905 by George Bernard Shaw and later filmed with famous actors such as Deborah Kerr, Rex Harrison, Wendy Hiller, Robert Morley and Robert Newton (GB, 1941, 135 minutes).
The Movie "Guys and Dolls"
(1955, 150 minutes, in colour)
In the movie the "Save-a-Soul mission", which clearly portrays the Salvation Army, the main characte is the young and very pretty Sarah Brown. The gambler named Nathan Detroit bets with his friend Sky Masterson, that Sky will not be able to win over Sarah's heart. As Sky really falls in love with Sarah, the situation becomes more complicated.
"The Belle of New York"
Already in the year 1897 the musical "The Belle of New York" was written by Gustave Kerker (music) and Hugh Morton (words).
It was the first American musical with international success.

"The Man Without A Past"
(Finland 2002, 97 minutes in colour)
Original Title: "Mies vailla menneisyytä", Regisseur Aki Kaurismäki
After being mugged, a man loses not only all of his papers but also his memory. As a nameless person, he starts a new life, and along the way he meets a woman officer from The Salvation Army.
Soon it is no longer just the soup and clothes which interests him at the Salvation Army.