In the history of The Salvation Army there are many examples of outstanding women and men whose life in the service of God evokes great respect and whose example is still encouraging today.
There are examples of such Salvationists from all decades and from all parts of the world. The list of names and biographies could be much longer…

Gottlieb Surer - A song of praise
In 1856 Gottlieb Surer was born in Arisdorf, Switzerland where he attended school. Sadly, as a young man, he often drank alcohol and became an addict. One day, during the time he was working, he felt the impulse to pray. After he had knelt down and prayed, he felt a great joy flood his heart. He did not have another with whom he could talk about the experience, he also did not know about the personnel God. The result was that he continued to depend on alcohol and could not get free from the addiction.
Fakir Singh
Frederick St. George de Lautour Tucker was born on the 21st of May, 1853, in the north-east of India. He was born the son of a rich, British family, which lived at the high level of the Victorian Imperial Elite in India. At the age of seven, he was sent to England in order to attend school and in 1874, he began to work in the Indian Civil Service.
In 1875, the American evangelistic team of Moody and Sankey visited Great Britain. Through their influence Frederick Tucker gave his life to God. At the age of twenty-four Tucker married Louisa Mary Bode, aged forty-two.
Eva Burrows - General of The Salvation Army (1986-1993)
The Australian Eva Burrows (1929-2015) had a Master's Degree in Education and in 1950 entered the service of The Salvation Army as a young officer. She lead educational institutions in London and Africa, but also served in the welfare work of The Salvation Army, where she advocated for the less privileged. Eva Burrows was only the second woman to be elected General but before this she was Territorial Commander in three very different territories.