Eagle Tavern Medaillon
A very special episode in the history of The Salvation Army was the basis for the issue of the "Eagle Tavern" medallion, which is pictured here. It has a diameter of 34.5 mm ( 13/8 inches) and a weight of 13 grams.
The Eagle Tavern, with its theater and garden, was a popular establishment in London.
In 1882 when The Salvation Army became involved the Eagle Tavern was, by then, well known as a meeting place for people of dubious repute. In the garden prostitutes gathered to ply their nightly trade. William Booth already knew of this deplorable situation when he became aware that the property was being offered for lease. For him it was the moment to act. Obtaining the lease was for Booth a deliberate attempt to bring an end to the impact the Eagle had been making on the community and at the same time the opportunity to develop it as a facility for the work of God.
The cost of this transaction was agreed upon, and the funds were raised to purchase the lease of the tavern and the grounds, which housed a music hall and included the "Grecian Theater" with gardens. Commissioner Railton was in charge of the opening meetings.
As soon as The Salvation Army occupied the buildings a raging storm of opposition broke out.
As the Salvationists attempted to sing the place was assaulted by a howling mob who drowned out the music. Day and night the area was infested with patrols of drunkards, pimps and armed men, so much that even Booth's life was in danger. The police were required to restore security.
A legal process against The Salvation Army soon followed. The main contention was that ownership of the property included the ownership of the lease of a drinking establishment and therefore the selling of alcohol. But this was of course never the intention of The Salvation Army.
In the end the court ruled in favour of the drink interests and against The Salvation Army, which in this case alcohol was the winner.
The obverse side of the medallion shows the facade of the Eagle Tavern. The inscription says:
In the section below is written:
The reverse side of the medaillon says:
SEPT 21.1882 CAPTURED, AUGUST 10.1882