Trombone made by The Salvation Army
This Bb trombone was likely made in the 1920's when the Triumphonic line was introduced. It was the top line made for band players although there were other models for soloists.

In the past the Salvation Army had its own factory (The Campfield Musical Instrument Works) in London for making brass instruments.
The Triumphonic line was made until the factory closed in 1972.
The decorated tubes were made by two steel rollers, a smooth one on the inside of the brass tube and a decorated one on the outside of the brass tube. When the two rollers were pressed hard together on a machine, the decoration appeared on the outside of the brass tube. This decoration was likely a special order from the factory as it was not generally included in most Salvation Army instruments.

The slide lock on this trombone was invented and patented by The Salvation Army in 1904.
(William Scarlett, USA)