Ascension Day

Each year for more than 100 years, on Ascension Day, Swiss members of The Salvation Army celebrated a congress. On this occasion, badges, pins or ribbons were worn by participants as a festival insignia. In The Salvation Army Museum Basel some of these can be found.

Moderner Heilsarmeepin

It is noticeable on this pin that the crest of the Salvation Army does not have an "S" and a cross, but instead a capital "H" with a cross. At this time in Switzerland, such a cross was often seen, however, it has since been changed. Nowadays, the crest of the Swiss Salvation Army also has an "S" with a cross. Likewise, it was common at that time that a Swiss Cross would be featured in the background.

On the back of this pin is written in German:
"Ascension Day at Zurich
7. Mai 1891 lead by the Maréchale
Salvation Army - Switzerland for Jesus"

Very old Swiss Salvation Army badge

German-speaking Salvationists met in Zurich, while those speaking French met in Lausanne. The meetings were often led by international guests.
Many Generals have come to Switzerland for this special Swiss Congress as can be seen in a short video featuring General Paul Rader.

Video Ascencion Day 1996 with General Paul Rader

Ascension Day